


The part of the respiratory tract superior to the hard palate and contains the peripheral organ of smell.


Olfaction (smelling)


Filtration of dust

Humidification of inspired air

Reception and elimination of secretions from the paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts.

Nose consists of the external nose and nasal cavity.

External nose

the visible portion that projects from the face

Covered with skin

It is a pyramidal projection

Presents : tip or apex, root, dorsum,

Inferior surface presents a pair of apertures known as nostrils or nares.


Bony part:

Nasal bones

Frontal process of maxilla

Nasal part of frontal bone and its nasal spine

Cartilagenous part

Two lateral cartilages

Two alar cartilages

One septal catilage


Refers either to entire cavity or to right and left half

Entered anteriorly through nostrils

Opens posteriorly into nasopharynx through choanae

Nasal cavity can be divided into three regions





Slightly dilated area above nostrils

Lined by skin

Provided with coarse hair and sebaceous gland

Respiratory region

Serves as main air passage

Paranasal sinuses open in this region

Lined by pseudostratified ciiated columnar epithelium, provided with goblet cells and mucus and serous glands


Each half of the nasal cavity presents roof, floor, medial and lateral walls.


It is narrow from side to side and slopes downwards, both in front and behind.

Consists of three parts-

 Anterior : frontonasal

Intermediate : ethmoidal

 Posterior : sphenoidal


It is smooth, concave, and much wider than the roof.

Formed by palatine process of maxilla and horizontal plate of palatine bone.

Nasal septum

It is formed partly by bones and partly by cartilages.

Bony part

Perpendicular plate of ethmoid


Nasal spine of frontal bone


Nasal crest of Palatine and maxillary bone

Medial wall or nasal septum

Cartilagenous  part

Septal cartilage

Sepal process of lower nasal cartilage

The lower margin of the  septum is called the columella.


Antero-superior part : into opthalmic vein

Postero-inferior part : into pterigoid venous plexus

Mobile part : internal jugular vein through facial vein.

Upper part of septum: accompany the olfactory nerves and drain into inferior cerebral vein.

Lateral wall

It is formed largely by

the maxilla anteroinferiorly

the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone posteriorly

superiorly by the labyrinth of the ethmoid bone

contains three projections of variable size

Inferior nasal conchae

Middle nasal conchae

Superior nasal conchae

The nasal conchae curve generally inferomedially, each roofing a groove, or meatus

Superior Concha

a medial process of the ethmoidal labyrinth

presents as a small curved lamina

Lies posterosuperior to the middle concha.

The superior meatus : short oblique passage extending about halfway along the upper border of the middle concha.

The posterior ethmoidal sinuses open, via a variable number of apertures, into its anterior part.

Supreme meatus

Area between superior concha and nasal roof

Above and behind superior concha lies a depression, the sphenoethmoidal recess

Receives the opening from spenoidal sinus

Middle Concha

a medial process of the ethmoidal labyrinth

extends back to articulate with the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

region beneath middle concha is the middle meatus

The main features are

a rounded elevation, the bulla ethmoidalis

a curved cleft, the hiatus semilunaris


Bulla Ethmoidalis : bony bulging containing middle ethmoidal air sinuses

Receives the openings from middle ethmoidal air sinuses

Hiatus Semilunaris : crescentic space below bulla ethmoidalis

Its floor receives the opening of maxillary sinus

Anteriorly presence of ethmoidal infundibulum ; it receives anterior ethmoidal sinuses and frontal sinus

Frontal sinus may open through fronto-nasal duct

Inferior Nasal Concha

A thin, curved, independent bone

 articulates with the nasal surface of the maxilla and the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

free lower border is gently curved and the subjacent inferior meatus reaches the nasal floor.

The inferior meatus is the largest meatus

Continuous anteriorly with the vestibule of nose

Receives opening of the nasolacrimal duct in its anterior part

Arterial supply

Anterio-superior quadrant : anterior ethmoidal artery from opthalmic artery

Anterio-inferior quadrant: alar branches of facial artery and terminal branches of greaterpalatine artery

Posterio-superior quadrant: sphenoplatine branch of maxillary artery

Postero-inferior quadrant: branches of Greater palatine artery

Venous drainage

Veins form a plexus which drain into

Facial vein in front

Retro-pharyngeal vein and pterygoid venous plexus behind

Inferior cerebral vein above

Applied anatomy

Lesions of olfactory nerves due to fracture of cribriform plate may result in loss of sense of smell (anosmia)

Deviation of nasal septum


most episodes occur on the anteroinferior portion of the septum and involve the septal branches of the sphenopalatine and facial vessels.

Little’s area or Kiesselbach area




Olfaction (smelling)


Filtration of dust

Humidification of inspired air

Reception and elimination of secretions from the paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts.

Nose consists of the external nose and nasal cavity.

External nose

the visible portion that projects from the face

Covered with skin

It is a pyramidal projection

Presents : tip or apex, root, dorsum,

Inferior surface presents a pair of apertures known as nostrils or nares.


Bony part:

Nasal bones

Frontal process of maxilla

Nasal part of frontal bone and its nasal spine

Cartilagenous part

Two lateral cartilages

Two alar cartilages

One septal catilage


Refers either to entire cavity or to right and left half

Entered anteriorly through nostrils

Opens posteriorly into nasopharynx through choanae

Nasal cavity can be divided into three regions





Slightly dilated area above nostrils

Lined by skin

Provided with coarse hair and sebaceous gland

Respiratory region

Serves as main air passage

Paranasal sinuses open in this region

Lined by pseudostratified ciiated columnar epithelium, provided with goblet cells and mucus and serous glands


Each half of the nasal cavity presents roof, floor, medial and lateral walls.


It is narrow from side to side and slopes downwards, both in front and behind.

Consists of three parts-

 Anterior : frontonasal

Intermediate : ethmoidal

 Posterior : sphenoidal


It is smooth, concave, and much wider than the roof.

Formed by palatine process of maxilla and horizontal plate of palatine bone.

Nasal septum

It is formed partly by bones and partly by cartilages.

Bony part

Perpendicular plate of ethmoid


Nasal spine of frontal bone


Nasal crest of Palatine and maxillary bone

Medial wall or nasal septum

Cartilagenous  part

Septal cartilage

Sepal process of lower nasal cartilage

The lower margin of the  septum is called the columella.


Antero-superior part : into opthalmic vein

Postero-inferior part : into pterigoid venous plexus

Mobile part : internal jugular vein through facial vein.

Upper part of septum: accompany the olfactory nerves and drain into inferior cerebral vein.

Lateral wall

It is formed largely by

the maxilla anteroinferiorly

the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone posteriorly

superiorly by the labyrinth of the ethmoid bone

contains three projections of variable size

Inferior nasal conchae

Middle nasal conchae

Superior nasal conchae

The nasal conchae curve generally inferomedially, each roofing a groove, or meatus

Superior Concha

a medial process of the ethmoidal labyrinth

presents as a small curved lamina

Lies posterosuperior to the middle concha.

The superior meatus : short oblique passage extending about halfway along the upper border of the middle concha.

The posterior ethmoidal sinuses open, via a variable number of apertures, into its anterior part.

Supreme meatus

Area between superior concha and nasal roof

Above and behind superior concha lies a depression, the sphenoethmoidal recess

Receives the opening from spenoidal sinus

Middle Concha

a medial process of the ethmoidal labyrinth

extends back to articulate with the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

region beneath middle concha is the middle meatus

The main features are

a rounded elevation, the bulla ethmoidalis

a curved cleft, the hiatus semilunaris


Bulla Ethmoidalis : bony bulging containing middle ethmoidal air sinuses

Receives the openings from middle ethmoidal air sinuses

Hiatus Semilunaris : crescentic space below bulla ethmoidalis

Its floor receives the opening of maxillary sinus

Anteriorly presence of ethmoidal infundibulum ; it receives anterior ethmoidal sinuses and frontal sinus

Frontal sinus may open through fronto-nasal duct

Inferior Nasal Concha

A thin, curved, independent bone

 articulates with the nasal surface of the maxilla and the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone

free lower border is gently curved and the subjacent inferior meatus reaches the nasal floor.

The inferior meatus is the largest meatus

Continuous anteriorly with the vestibule of nose

Receives opening of the nasolacrimal duct in its anterior part

Arterial supply

Anterio-superior quadrant : anterior ethmoidal artery from opthalmic artery

Anterio-inferior quadrant: alar branches of facial artery and terminal branches of greaterpalatine artery

Posterio-superior quadrant: sphenoplatine branch of maxillary artery

Postero-inferior quadrant: branches of Greater palatine artery

Venous drainage

Veins form a plexus which drain into

Facial vein in front

Retro-pharyngeal vein and pterygoid venous plexus behind

Inferior cerebral vein above

Applied anatomy

Lesions of olfactory nerves due to fracture of cribriform plate may result in loss of sense of smell (anosmia)

Deviation of nasal septum


most episodes occur on the anteroinferior portion of the septum and involve the septal branches of the sphenopalatine and facial vessels.

Little’s area or Kiesselbach area



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