Chemical Stages of Polymerization of Acrylic Resin


VULCANITE (1855)– Rubber with 32 % Sulphur & Metallic oxides.
 Advantages – It is nono-toxic, non-irritant,
has excellent Mechanical properties 
material is sufficient hard to polish.

Limitation – Absorbs saliva – becomes unhygiene, leads to bacterial growth & unpleasant odour
Poor esthetics
Dimensional changes
Thermal expansion
Contraction of 2-4% by volume during addition of sulphur  to the rubber
NITROCELLULOSE– Dimensionally unstable
Contains unpleasant tasting plasticizers
Excessive warpage
High water absorption
Poor colour stability
Becomes discoloured & unesthetic
It is thermoset type – so it is difficult to repair
PORCELAIN – This material is tolerated well,
But it is difficult to fabricate
Can be easily broken
Cobalt – Chromium
Gold Alloys
Stainless Steel
Self-cure Acrylic resin
Shellac Base Plate
Hard Base Plate Wax
Acrylic Resin
Vinyl Resin
Heat-cure Acrylic resin (1937)
Synthetic Resins are often called as PLASTICS
A substance that although dimensionally stable in normal use was plastic at some stage of manufacture
Thermoplastic – they soften again when reheated (above GTT)
Thermosetting – they are resistant to change after further application of heat
Third Group – ELASTOMERS Founded on Naturally occurring LATEX isolated from Hevea brasiliensis tree
Thermoplastic Resins
Are fusible, soluble in organic solvents
Better  flexural & impact properties
Most plastics in Dentistry belong to this group
PMMA, Polyvinyl, Polystyrene
Thermosetting Resins
These become permanently hard when heated above critical temp. & they do not soften again on heating
Usually cross-linked in state
These are insoluble, infusible
Crosslinked PMMA, Silicones.
Superior  abrasion resistance
Superior Dimensional Stability
Tasteless, odourless, non-toxic, non-irrtant
Esthetically satisfactory – transparent, translucent, easily  pigmented, colour should be permanent
Dimensionally stable, should not expand during Processing & subsequent use by the patient
Should have adequate  Strength, Resilience,    Abrasion Resistance
Insoluble & Impermeable to oral fluids
Low specific gravity
Softening temp. should be well above temp. of any hot food
Easy to fabricate
Good thermal conductivity
Preparation of Dentures
Artificial teeth
Tooth restorations
Orthodontic space maintainance
Crown & Bridge facings, Temporary Crowns
Maxillofacial prosthesis, Athletic Mouth Protector
Inlay patterns
Dies, Impression trays
Endodontic filling materials
Basic Nature of Polymers
1. Polymer – Molecule that is made up of may parts
Chemical possessing a molecular weight of more than 5000
Monomer – Molecule from which polymer is constructed
Molecular Wt. of various  mers  X  no. of mers
(determines its physical properties)
Degree of Polymerization --- total no. of mers in polymers .
Strength increases with increase in Deg. Of Poly.
1 LINEAR – linear homopolymer, random copolymer, block
2 BRANCHED – branched homopolymer, random copolymer, graft copolymer
3 CROSS-LINKED- homopolymer crosslinked with single crosslinking agent
Polymerization – series of chain reaction by which a macromolecule or polymer is formed from a single molecule
Slow method
Repeated Elimination of small molecules
By- products – NH3, H2O, halogen acids
Functional groups are repeated (Amide, Urethane, Ester or Sulfide)
Here by-product formation is not necessary
In Dental procedures
No change in chemical composition & no by-products
Giant molecules (unlimited size)
Simple, but not easy to control
Is the time during which the molecules of the initiator becomes energized or activated & start to transfer the energy to the monomer.
Impurity --- increases length of this period
Increase temp. --- shorter is length of Induction period
Initiation energy is 16000 to 29000 cal/mol.
HEAT ACTIVATION –free radicals are liberated by heating Benzoyl peroxide
CHEMICAL ACTIVATION – atleast 2 reactants --- chem. Reaction--- liberate free radicals              Benzoyl peroxide + Aromatic Amine(dimetyl-p-toluidine)
LIGHT ACTIVATION –  photons of light energy activate the initiator – free radicals . Under visible light Camphoroquinone & an amine --- free radical
Occurs when there is
Complete exhaustion of monomer  Or
Formation of High Molecular Weight  polymer
Inhibited by :
IMPURITIES (react with Activated Initiator / Nucleus)
Hydroquinone (0.006%) is in Monomer for storage
OXYGEN retards polymerization
Influence the length of Initiation period & degree of polymerization
Is required to improve physical properties
Two or more chemically different monomers polymerize to form COPOLYMER
Applications of copolymerization
BLOCK & GRAFT Polymers = Improves IMPACT STRENGTH (good adhesive properties + surface characteristics)
CROSS-LINKING (chemical bond between linear polymers)
Applications – Improves strength,                         reduces solubility & water sorption
Highly Cross-linked Material provides - increased resistances ------ to solvents, crazing & surface stresses
Increases solubility of polymers in monomer
Reduces brittleness
But it also reduces Strength & Hardness & Softening point
EXTERNAL – penetrates macromolecules & neutralizes secondary bond. It Evaporates / Leaches out
INTERNAL - Copolymer
Types of resins
Acrylic resin
Vinyl resin
Epoxy resins
Are Derivatives of Ethylene & contain a vinyl group in their structural formula
Acrylic resins used in dentistry are esters of
1 Acrylic acid
2 Methacrylic acid
Available as Methyl methacrylate [liquid] &             Poly (Methyl methacrylate) [powder]
Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Resins
Widely used --- easy to process
It is Thermoplastic resin
Liquid [monomer] Methyl Methacrylate is mixed with Powder [polymer ]
Monomer plasticizes the polymer to dough-like consistency which can be easily moulded
Types ---- based on method used for its activation
Heat activated resins
Chemically activated resins
Light activated resins
AVAILABLE AS Powder+ Liquid & Gels – Sheets &cakes
Methyl Methacrylate
Dibutyl pthalate ---  plasticizer
Gylcol dimethylacrylate [1-2%] ---- cross-linking agent
Hydroquinone ---- inhibitor
Stored in tightly sealed Amber coloured bottle – to prevent evaporation , premature poymerization [by light or U.V radiation]
Poly (Methyl Methacrylate)
Other copolymers (5%)
Benzoyl Peroxide ---- Initiator
Compounds of Mercuric sulphide,
               Cadmium sulphide ---- Dyes
Zinc / Titanium oxides --- Opacifiers
Dibutyl pthalate --- plasticizer
Dyed organic filler
Inorganic particles like glass fibers / beads
High mol. Wt. polymers dissolves slowly in monomer
So,  to increase in solubility
Additive – (Ethyl acrylate copolymer)
Plasticizer – Dibutyl phthalate
Adding low mol. Wt. PMMA
 Powder (Poly)+ Liquid (mono) +heat = polymer + heat
Technical consideration
Prep of wax pattern [waxed dentures]
Prep of Split mould [Investing & Dewaxing]
Applictn of Separating Media
Mixing of powder & liquid
Finishing & polishing
Prep of wax pattern [waxed dentures]
Prosthetic teeth are selected & arranged – esthetic & functional requirements
Impression making, cast generation, record bases
Articulator mounting, teeth arrangement, wax contouring
Waxed dentures are sealed to master casts – removed from articulator
Prep of Split mould [Investing ]
Master cast is coated with thin layer of separator
Base flasking
Counter flasking – dental stone in intimate contact with all external surfaces,
Incisal & Occlusal surfaces are slightly exposed – to facilitate deflasking
Third Pour – to fill remaining flask
Lid is gently placed & stone is allowed to set
Prep of Split mould [Dewaxing]
On complete setting – record base & wax has to be removed
Flask is immersed in boiling water for 4 mins
Base flask & counter flask segments are separated
Residual wax is removed by wax solvents
Mold cavity is cleaned with mild detergent solution & rinsed with boiling water
Application of Separating Media
To prevent water from the mould to enter into Acrylic resin [affects rate of polymerization & colour of resin]
To prevent Monomer penetrating into the mould [plaster to adhere to the acrylic resin & produce rough surface]
Can lead to compromises in Physical & Esthetic properties
Tinfoil substitutes - Cellulose lacquers, Solution of Alginate compounds, Evaporated milk, Soap, Sodium silicate, Starches
Mixing of powder & liquid
Polymer:Monomer ratio
Accepted ratio – 3:1 by volume   or    2:1 by weight
If more Monomer [lower polymer/monomer ratio]
Greater poly. Shrinkage
Additional time is reqd. to reach the packing consistency
Tendency for porosity
If less Monomer [lower polymer/monomer ratio]
Less wetting – Granular acrylic
Dough will be difficult to manage – not fuse into continous unit of plastic
Physical stages of Polymerization
Stage 1 – Sandy / Wet sand stage – polymer gradually settles in monomer, forms a fluid, incoherent mass. Also described as ‘coarse or grainy’
Stage 2 – Stringy / Sticky stage – monomer enters into polymer, if the mixture is touched --- it forms cobweb like structure
Stage 3 – Dough-like / Gel stage : mass becomes more saturated, smooth & dough like. It does not adhere to container or spatula. Mass is plastic & homogenous at this stage. Time reqd – 10 mins
Physical stages of Polymerization
Stage 3 – Rubbery / Elastic Stage: Monomer disappears by penetration into the polymer & evaporation. Mass is cohesive, rubber-like, non-plastic & cannot be moulded as it rebounds when compressed or stretched, it does not flow freely
Stage 5 – Stiff – due to evaporation of free monomer. Mix appears very dry & is resistant to mechanical deformation
Dough-forming Time
Time reqd for the resin mixture to reach a dough-like stage
ADA specification no. 12 – in less than 40 mins
Clinically – most resins reach a doughlike consistency in less than 10 mins
Depends on
Controlled by manufacturer
1 Deg. Of polyn. – higher the polyn, lower the Dough-forming Time
2 Particle size – Smaller the particle size, shorter the Dough-forming Time
Controlled by operator
3 Polymer:Monomer ratio : If this is high (less monomer), there is shorter dough forming time
4 Temperature – Higher the temp., shorter dough forming time
5 Plasticizer – reduces the dough forming time
Working time
May be defined as the time that a denture base material remains in dough like stage
At least 5 mins
Affected by temp., extended via refigeration (moisture can degrade properties)
Can be avoided by storing in air tight container
Introduction of denture base resin into mould cavity
Overpacking: excessive thickness, malpositioning of teeth
Underpacking : noticeable denture base porosity
Rope-like form ----- packed into flask
Polyethylene sheet is placed ---- flask is assembled
Application of pressure --- resin dough flows evenly into mold space
Flask portions are separated – sheet is removed with a rapid, continuous tug
Excess resin – flash
Second trial closure
Final closure – no polyethylene sheet
Polymerization Procedure / Curing
DB Resins – Benzoyl Peroxide{Initiator} – when heated above  60*C – decompose to form Free Radicals  - reacts with Monomer to initiate chain-growth polymerization
Heat is termed as Activator
After Final closure – flasks are kept at Room temp. for 30 to 60 mins – Bench Curing
Longer flow period – equalization of pressure in Mold
Allows time for more uniform dispersion of monomer
Longer exposer of resin teeth to monomer- better bond
Curing cycle / Heating process
1. Processing denture base resin in Constant temp water bath at 74*C (165*F) for 8 hrs or longer, with no terminal boiling
2. Processing the resin at 74*C for approx. 2 hrs & then increasing the temp. of water bath to 100*C & processing for 1 hour more
Other Methods of supplying heat for activation
Steam, Dry air Oven, Dry heat (electrical), Infrared heating, Induction/Dielectric heating, Microwave radiation [Specially formulated resin & Non-metallic Flask: Speedy process]
Internal Porosity
Resin & Dental stone – Poor thermal conductors, heat of reaction cannot be dissipated, so temp. of resin rises above 
that of stone & surrounding water
Temp. exceeds the boiling pt. of Monomer (100.8*C)
Porosity – not seen on surface, as heat is dissipated
Centrally, heat generated in thick portions cannot be dissipated --- boiling of unreacted monomer ---- porosity
External Porosity
1. Lack of Homogenity – Portions containing more monomer will shrink more than the adjacent areas, results in voids & resin appears white.(proper powder:liquid, homogenous mix – pack in dough stage)
2. Lack of adequate pressure – Lack of dough during final closure (Flash indicates adequate material)
OTHER PROBLEMS : Crazing[Cracks] & production of Internal Stresses
After Curing – Denture flasks should be cooled slowly to room temp.
Rapid Cooling – warpage of denture base because of differences in thermal contraction of resin & stone
Slow Cooling – Minimizes potential difficulties
So, Bench-Cooling for 30 mins, then flask should be immersed in cool tap water for 15 mins
Cooling overnight is ideal
Deflasking, Finishing & Polishing
Deflasking – has to be done with care to avoid flexing & breaking of Acrylic denture
Finishing – Metal Trimmer, Acrylic/Alpine Stone, Dry & Wet Sand paper
Polishing – suspension of finely ground pumice in water
Injection molding Technique
Mold space can be filled by injecting resin under pressure in specially designed flasks
Sprue hole / Vent hole are formed in stone mold
Soft resin (dough stage) is contained in injector & is forced into mold
Resin under pressure until it has hardened
Polystyrene resin – polymer is first softened under heat & injected while hot, then it solidifies in mold upon cooling
No trial closures are required
Injection molding Technique
Dimensional accuracy
Low free monomer content
Good impact strength
High capital costs
Difficult mold design problems
Less craze resistance
Less creep resistance
Special flask is required
Polymerization by Microwave energy
It is cleaner & faster than polymerization with  conventional technique
Fit of denture is comparable or superior
Acrylic resins are less prone to porosity
Advantages : good appearance, high glass transition temp, ease of fabrication, low capital cost & good surface finish
Disadvantages : Radiolucency, Free monomer content/formaldehyde may cause sensitization, fatigue life too short & low impact strength
Chemically Activated Denture Base Resin (Autopolymer, Self-cure, Cold-cure)
Methyl Methacrylate
Dimethyl-p-toluidine ---- Activator
Dibutyl phthalate----------- Plasticizer
Glycol dimethacrylate ----- Cross linking agent
Hydroquinone ------------- Inhibitor
Chemically Activated Denture Base Resin (Autopolymer, Self-cure, Cold-cure)
Poly (Methyl Methacrylate)
Other copolymers  -  5%
Benzoyl Peroxide         ---------------- Initiator
Compounds of mercuric sulphide,                           Cadmium sulfide   -------------- Dyes
Zinc / Titanium Oxide   ------------- Opacifiers
Dibutyl phthalate                ---------- Plasticizer
Dyed organic fillers
Inorganic particles like glass fibers / beads
Uses of Autopolymerizing Resin
With fillers (pumice), for construction of custom trays
For denture repair, relining & rebasing
For making removable orthodontic appliances
For adding a post-dam to adjust upper denture
Better initial fit
Less thermal contraction
For repairing dentures, as it avoids warpage due to    re-curing
Colour stability is inferior, due to subsequent oxidation of the tertiary amine
Lesser degree of polymerization, so these have slightly inferior physical properties
1. Sprinkle – On technique
2. Adapting technique
3. Fluid resin technique
4. Compression moulding technique
5. Injection moulding technique
Fluid resin technique (pour-type acrylic resin)
These have high molecular wt powder that are smaller in size & when they are mixed with monomer, the mix is very fluid
They are used with lower powder-liquid ratio – 2 : 1 -2.5 : 1
This aids to prevent undue increase in viscosity during mixing & pouring stages
This technique commonly involves use of Agar Hydrocolloid for the mould preparation
Fluid mix is poured in the mould quickly & allowed to polymerize under pressure at 0.14 Mpa (20 psi).               
Better  tissue fit
Fewer open bites.
Less fracture of porcelain teeth during deflasking procedure
Reduced material cost
Simplification of lab procedure for flasking (no trial closure),deflasking & finishing of denture.
Air occlusion(bubbles)
Shifting of teeth during processing
Infraocclusion (closed bites)
Occlusal imbalance due to shifting of teeth
Incomplete flow of denture base material over neck of anterior teeth
Formation of films of  denture base material over cervical portions of plastic teeth that had not been previously covered with wax
Poor bonding to plastic teeth..
Technique sensitivity.
Heat is not necessary for polymerisation
Porosity is greater.
Have lower average molecular weight.
Higher residual monomer content.
Material is not strong.(coz of their lower molecular weight mols.)
Poor  color stability.
Easy to deflask.
Rheological properties:
A) Show greater distortion.
B) More initial deformation.
C) Increased creep & slow recovery.
Heat cured
Heat is necessary for polymerisation
Porosity is less
Higher average molecular weight (5 lakhs-10 lakhs)
Lower residual monomer content
Material is strong
Good color stability
Difficult to deflask
A) Show lesser distortion
B) Less initial deformation
C) Less creep & quicker recovery
Light activated denture base resin
Urethane dimethacrylate matrix
Acrylic copolymer
Microfine silica fillers
Photoinitiator system – Camphoroquinone amine
Supplied in pre-mixed sheets having clay-like consistency
Provided in opaque light packages – to avoid premature polymerization
Adapted to cast when in plastic form
Polymerized in light chamber with light of 400-500 nm from high intensity quartz halogen bulbs
Properties of Denture Base Resin
Methyl Methacrylate Monomer: Clear, transparent, volatile, has sweetish odour.
Melting pt:  -48*C
Boiling pt:  100.8*C
Heat of polymerization:  12.9Kcal/mol
Volume shrinkage during polymerization:  21%
Poly (Methyl Methacrylate )
Tasteless, odourless, clear transparent, has adequate compressive & tensile strength, has low hardness-can be easily scratched & abraded
Shrinkage ---- thermal shrinkage on cooling & polymerization                                                  shrinkage
Volume shrinkage is 8% & Linear Shrinkage is 0.53%
Resin Teeth – PMMA copolymerized with a cross linking agent
Resin teeth
High fracture toughness
Crazing, if not crosslinked
Clinically significant wear
Easily ground & polished
Silent on contact
Dimensional change (water sorpn)
Cold flow under stress
Loss of Vertical dimension
Self adjusting
Chemical bond to denture
Minimal abrasion of opposing
Porcelain teeth
Crazing by thermal shock
Insignificant wear
Grinding is difficult (glaze)
Sharp impact sound
Dimensionally stable
No permanent deformation
Stable VDO
Difficult to fit in diminished interarch space
Mechanical retention necessary
Abrades opposing teeth
Recent Advances
High Impact strength materials: butadenestyrene rubber-reinforced PMMA
Rapid heat polymerized resins: hybrid acrylics that are polymerized in boiling water immediately after packing (place in boiling water & then full boil for 20 mins)
Denture Reliners
Heat cure --- compression molding & low curing temp.
There is a tendency for previously cured material to warp
Self cure --- directly in mouth, but fades, smells
Purpose is to Absorb some of the energy produced by masticatory impact
Used – irritation in mucosa, area of severe undercut, congenital/acquired defects of palate
Plasticized acrylic resin- PEMA/PMMA/Copolymer + aromatic ester-ethanol liquid containing 60-80% plasticizer (dibutyl phthalate)
Vinyl resin, Silicone rubbers – RTV, heat cured silicones, Polyurethanes
Problems: inadequate bonding, loose stiffness as plasticizer is leached out, loss of denture base strength, trimming, polishing is difficult, disagreeable taste & odour, cannot be cleaned easily (fungal growth)
Materials in Maxillofacial prosthesis
To correct facial defects resulting from cancer surgery, accidents / congenital deformities
Ideally – easy, inexpensive to fabricate, biocompatible, strong, stable, skinlike in appearance, soft & must be colour stable, easy to clean
Latexes – but they are weak, degenerates rapidly with age
Plasticized polyvinylchloride – has got plasticizers, crosslinking agent & UV stabilizers
Silicone rubber --- RTV & heat-vulcanized
Polyurethane polymers


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