
Most abundant organic molecules widely distributed in plants and animals
Primarily composed of Carbon, Hydrogen & Oxygen.
Derived from the French: hydrate de carbone, Hydrates of carbon. Same ratio of H & O as in water.
Empirical formula-(C-H2O)n literally “CARBON HYDRATE”; n≥3
Carbohydrates not obeying above: rhamnohexose (C6H12O5), deoxyribose (C5H10O4)
Therefore, cannot be always considered as carbon hydrates.
Carbohydrates – Basic Structure
Functional Group:  - OH; -CHO; >C=O
Polyhydroxyaldehydes or polyhydroxyketone or compounds that produce them on hydrolysis.
The term ‘sugar’ is applied to carbohydrates soluble in water and sweet to taste.
Carbohydrates are often referred to as saccharides (Greek: sakcharon :– sugar )
 How do we get them?
       Glucose synthesized from carbon dioxide and water by PHOTOSYNTHESIS and stored as starch or converted to the cellulose of the plant framework. Each year 100 billion metric tons of CO2 & H2O.
       Can SYNTHESIZE carbohydrate from LIPID glycerol and AMINO ACIDS, but most are derived ultimately from plants.
 Why do we need them?
Energy (oxidation of carbohydrate is the central energy yielding pathway; 4kcal/gm; 60-80% of total body requirement)
Energy Reserve (eg., starch, glycogen)
Precursor Molecule (eg, (deoxy)ribose, galactose)
Structural Components (Cellulose, Chitin)
Intercellular Communications and Adhesion (Glycolipids and Glycoproteins)
Lubricants in skeletal joints, ETC……….

 Some Important Carbohydrates
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate
Hyaluronic acid
Keratan Sufate
 Classification of Carbohydrates
 Classification of Carbohydrates
1.  Monosaccharides (and their derivatives):
Those carbohydrates that cannot be hydrolyzed into simpler carbohydrates: aldehyde or ketones that have two or more hydroxyl groups.
Further classified as trioses, tetroses, pentoses, hexoses etc..
Trioses of Physiological Significance:
Both D-glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone ;
       (in phosphate esters form) - intermediate in glycolytic pathway.
They are the precursor of glycerol  utilized in lipid synthesis
Tetroses of Physiological Significance:
        Erythrose-4-P; an intermediate in HMP shunt pathway
Pentoses of Physiological Significance:
Biochemical  Importance

Structural elements of Nucleic Acid and Co-enzymes, eg, ATP, NAD, NADP, Flavoproteins.
Ribose phosphates are intermediates in Pentose Phosphate Pathway.

Ribulose phosphate is an intermediate in Pentose Phosphate Pathway.

Constituent of glycoproteins.

D- Xylose
Constituent of glycoproteins.

A constituent of lyxoflavin isolated from human heart muscle.

An intermediate in Pentose Phosphate Pathway.

Fruit juices, Hydrolysis of starch, cane sugar, maltose & Lactose.
The ‘sugar’ of the body. The sugar carried by the blood and principal one is used by the tissues.
Fruit jucies. Honey. Hydrolysis of cane sugar
Can be changed to glucose in the liver and so used in the body.
Hydrolysis of  lactose
Can be changed to glucose in the liver and metabolized. Synthesized in the mammary gland to make the lactose of milk. A constituent of glycolipid and glycoproteins.
Hydrolysis of plant mannans and gums
A constituent of many glycoproteins.

 Classification of Carbohydrates
2.  Disaccharides: Condensation products of two monosaccharide units E.g. Lactose, Maltose and Sucrose.
3.  Oligosaccharides: Condensation products of 2 to 10 monosaccharides
            E.g., raffinose, stachyose
4.  Polysaccharides:      Condensation products of more than ten monosaccharide units.  They are insoluble and tasteless.
Homopolysaccharide, e.g., Glycogen, Starch, Cellulose, Chitin
Heteropolysaccharide, e.g., Peptidoglycan, Glycosaminoglycans

     Reaction of Carbohydrates
     Tautomerization or Enolization
     Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
     Osazone Formation
     Glycoside Formation
     Reactions of monosaccharides
     Tautomerization or enolization:
   Shifting a H atom from one carbon to another to produce enediol.
   Sugar possessing anomeric carbon undergo tautomerization in alkaline conditions
   The enediols are highly reactive, sugars in alkaline solution are powerful reducing agents.
Reducing Properties of Sugars
     Depends on the FREE aldehyde or keto group on the anomeric carbon.
     Sugars with free C=O groups  are capable of reducing ferric or cupric ions and themselves oxidized to form sugar acids, thus called reducing sugars. This property is useful in the analysis of sugar.
   The terminal aldehyde CHO àCOOH results in the formation of GLUCONIC acid.
   The terminal alcohol group CH2OH à COOH lead to production of GLUCURONIC acid.
   When treated with reducing agents as Na-amalgam [Na(Hg)], the aldehyde or keto group of monosaccharide is reduced to corresponding alcohol.
   E.g., GlucoseàSorbitol, GalactoseàDulcitol, Mannoseà Mannitol, RiboseàRibitol
   When treated with conc. H2SO4, undergo dehydration with an elimination of 3H2O molecules
   Hexosesà hydroxy methyl furfural, pentoses à furfural.
   These can condense with phenolic compounds    (α-naphthol, anthrone) to form coloured products.
     Osazone Formation
   Phenylhydrazine in acetic acid, when boiled  reacts wit carbon #1 and #2 of reducing sugars to form derivatives called osazones
   The distinctive crystalline derivatives formed is useful to compare the structures of sugars.
   Glucose, fructose, mannose give same needle shaped osazones.
   Reducing disaccharides; maltose – sunflower shaped, lactose- powder puff shaped
   Osazone Formation
     Formation of Glycosides
     Condensation between the hydroxyl group of the anomeric carbon of a monosaccharide and a second compound that may be another monosaccharide or aglycone (not a sugar)
     If the second group is also a hydroxyl, then O-glycosidic bond is formed, BUT, if the second group is an amine, then N-glycosidic bond is formed
     The aglycone may be methanol, glycerol, sterol phenol or a base such a adenine
     They are important in medicines because of their action on heart e.g, cardiac glycosides
     Formation of Glycosides
     Formation of Esters
   The alcoholic groups of monosaccharides may be esterified by non-enzymic or enzymic reactions.
     Derivatives of Monosaccharides
SUGAR ACIDS:  Sugar with free anomeric carbon are good reducing agent & will reduce H2O2, Ferricyanide, Cu2+  & such reaction convert sugar into sugar acid.
     Oxidation at C1 & C6 produces aldaric   acid (Glucaric acid)
      SUGAR ALCOHOLS: Reduction of aldoses or ketoses;  usually sweet in taste
     E.g., sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol: sweetener in sugarless gum & candies
     Glycerol and myo-inositol are components of lipids; Ribitol is constituent of flavin enzymes
      AMINO SUGARS: When one or more OH group replaced by amino groups.
     Glucosamine, Mannosamine, Galactosamine; C2-OH substituted by amine. Amino group is nearly always condensed with acetic acid; N-Acetyl glucosamine, Polymer of bacterial cell wall.
      9C sugar: N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid) is a derivative of N-acetylmannosamine; component of many glycoprotein and glycolipids in animals.
      DEOXYSUGARS: Sugar with one or more –OH group replaced by –H (containing at least one oxygen less than parent molecule)
      Substitution of OH group for H at C6 of L-Galactose and L-Mannose produces L-Fucose & L-Rhamnose respectively.
      SUGAR ESTERS: Phosphate esters of glucose, fructose & other monosaccharides are important metabolic intermediates
      Ribose moiety of nucleotides as ATP-phosphorylated at 5’


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