Iron Metabolism

Iron  metabolism
      List the iron containing haeme and non-haeme  proteins  and describe their functions
      Describe the intestinal absorption of iron and distribution kinetics in the body
      Describe the process of haeme biosynthesis and catabolism
      Describe iron deficiency anaemia and acute intermittent porphyria
      Describe the diagnostic test for iron states (serum iron, serum iron binding capacity, serum ferritin)
      Describe and classify porphyria
      Describe the causes, diagnosis and management of porphyria

Heme containing proteins & enzymes
Hemoglobin: transport of oxygen in blood
Myoglobin: storage of oxygen in muscle
Cytochrome c: involvement in oxygen transport chain
Catalase/Peroxidase: antioxidant enzymes that protect cells from reactive oxygen species(ROS)
Tryptophan pyrrolase: oxidation of tryptophan
Cytochrome P 450 : for hydroxylation of xenobiotics
Non-heme, iron-containing proteins
Transferrin/lactoferrin : proteins responsible for iron transport
Ribonucleotide reductase: enzyme involvedin DNA synthesis
Ferritin :protein used for intracellular iron storage
NADH dehyrogenase/succinate dehydrogenase : enzymes involved in mitochondrial  energy  production
Transferrin,ferritin and hemosiderin
      Transferrin :
B1 globulin synthesized in liver: transports 2 moles of ferric ion per mole of transferrin
      Ferritin : contains  23% of iron and consists of apoferritin which surrounds in a micellar form
      3000-4500 ferric atoms.
      Hemosiderin: ill-defined molecule.Detected in histology by Prussian blue stain
      Table 50–3. Distribution of iron in a 70-kg
      adult male.
      Transferrin 3–4 mg
      Hemoglobin in red blood cells 2500 mg
      In myoglobin and various enzymes 300 mg
      In stores (ferritin and hemosiderin) 1000 mg
      Absorption 1 mg/d
      Losses 1 mg/d
In an adult female of similar weight, the amount in stores would
generally be less (100–400 mg) and the losses would be greater
(1.5–2 mg/d).
      Heme + globin
Tetrapyrrole ring with iron in the centre   in the form of ferrous ion      

      Iron deficiency anemia
      Anemia: reduction of oxygen transport capacity of blood due to reduction of total red cell mass and hemoglobin level
      Microcytosis and hypochromia
      Iron is a micronutrient and less than 100mg/day is needed.
       serum iron
      TIBC- serum iron = UIBC
      Iron is carried in the plasma bound to protein transferrin
      Excess iron in form of ferric chloride is added to serum and . Any iron that does not bind to transferrin is removed by excess magnesium carbonate.The iron  conc  of  iron-saturated serum is measured.
      TIBC- serum iron= UIBC
      Ferritin is found both in blood and tissue
      It is acute phase protein and is nonspecific
      Rises in malignancies too
 inborn error of metabolism due to mutation in genes responsible for enzymes involved in synthesis of Hb
      Precipitated by anaesthetic, barbiturates, griseofulvin, alcohol by inducing P 450 which uses of heme and derepresses ALA  synthase
      Prototype of werewolves/ vampires
      Acute  intermittent porphyria  :Urinary PBG
      D/D of acute abdomen
      Ehrlich’s aldehyde test
      On biochemical basis
      Skin  Beta carotene
      Avoid drugs and alcohol and anesthesia
      Hematin hydroxide  causes repression of  ALA Synthase and abundant carbohydrate diet will  repress


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