Rabies Virus


        Two genera:
    2.Lyssavirus –Rabies virus
        The name lyssavirus-derived from lyssa,meaning rage,a synonym for rabies.
        Bullet shaped
        Size:180-75nm,with one end rounded or conical and other planer or concave
        Enveloped (Lipoprotein) with  spikes made of Glycoprotein G which contributes to pathogenesis, virulence and immunity.
        Spikes do not cover planner end of virion
        Envelope mediates binding of acetyl choline receptors in neural tissues
        Used in the production of subunit vaccine

        Beneath the envelope,the protein membrane layer which may be invaginate d at planner end.
        The membrane may project outwards from planner end of some virions forms a bleb.
        Helical symmetry of capsid
        single stranded RNA
        RNA dependent RNA transcriptase and proteins.
        Causes rabies
        Rabies= Rhabidus (Latin) = Mad
        Rabies= Rabhas (Sanskrit)= Frenzy
        Incubation period 1-3months (as short as 7 days, and as long as 3 years)
        In dogs incubation period is usually 3-6wks ( may range from 10 days to a year)
        Rabid dog or other animals bite human.
        Rarely through transplantation of cornea contain virus, licks, aerosols
        Virus present in the saliva of the animal is deposited in the wound.
        Wound if left untreated can give rise to rabies.
        Virus multiply in the muscles, connective tissue or nerves at the site of deposition for 48-72 hours.
        Penetrates nerve endings and travel (3mm/hour) towards spinal cord and brain.
        Infection spreads centripetally from axon to neuronal bodies and via synapse to the spinal cord and up.
        Virus ascend to brain, multiplies and travels centrifugally to various parts of the body including salivary glands, facial skin, cornea.
        Virus is shed in saliva. It may also be shed in milk and urine.
     Fever, headache, malaise, anxiety, agitation, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, depression
     Lasts 2-4 days
        Acute neurological phase
     Intermittent hyperactivity, bizzare behaviour, agitation, appearing between normal periods
     Difficulty in drinking(hydrophobia)
     With in 1-6 days due to respiratory arrest during convulsions
     Corneal smears, skin biopsy (from face or neck), saliva antemortem, and brain postmortem.
        Direct Immunofluorescence test
     Using antirabies serum (monoclonal antibody) tagged with fluorescein isothiocyanate.
        Demonstration of Negri bodies in the brain (post mortem)
     (absent in about 20% cases)
        Negri bodies(intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies)
     Intracerebral inoculation in mice .
     Isolation in tissue culture cell lines,
        Detection of antibodies
     High titres of antibodies are present after infection but not after immunization.
        Detection of rabies virus RNA by  PCR
        Pre-exposure prophylaxis
        Post-exposure prophylaxis
        Pre-exposure prophylaxis
        Specific prophylaxis is ideally given before exposure to infection
        Preexposure immunization is given to persons at high risk e.g.veterinarians,dog handlers.
        Post-exposure prophylaxis
        Local treatment:
-Wash the wounds immediately with soap
  and water
-Treat the wound with tincture or alcohol
-In severe wounds,antirabic serum may be
 applied topically and infiltrated around the
-Do not suture the wound.
-Antitetanus measures & antibiotics to
 prevent sepsis(necessary)
        Antirabic vaccines:
1.Neural vaccines:
        Semple vaccine
        Beta propiolactone
        Infant brain vaccines
2.Non neural vaccines:
         Egg vaccines:
-Duck egg vaccine
        Tissue culture vaccines:
-Human diploid cell(HDC) vaccine:
       -first cell culture vaccine
       -Highly antigenic
       -free from side effects
        Others are:
1.Primary cell culture vaccines:
-Purified chick embryo cell(PCEC)rabies vaccine
-Hamster kidney cell rabies vaccine(HKCV)
-Dog kidney cell rabies vaccine(DKCV)
2.Continuous cell culture vaccine:
-Purified Vero cell(PVC)rabies vaccine
3.Subunit vaccine
        Vaccination schedules
        Pre-exposure prophylaxis:
-Requires three doses of vaccine injected on day 0,7,21.
-A booster dose is recommended after one year and then one  every five yrs.
        Post-exposure prophylaxis;
-Requires five doses on day 0,3,7,14,30.
-This course is expected to give protection for at least five yrs.
-If any further exposure during this period,may need  one or two booster doses(on days 0,3)depends on degree of risk.
-It is advisable to give full doses after five yrs,if exposed to infection.
        Guide for postexposure prophylaxis
1.Write the morphology of rabies virus with
   the help of a diagram
2.Explain the pathogenesis of rabies virus
3.Explain the pre-exposure and post-
   exposure prophylaxis of rabies
4.Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of rabies.
5.Write short notes on:
       a.Rabies virus
       b.Rabies vaccine


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