
         Union or junction between two or more bones or cartilages.
         Varities in forms and functions.
         More in child.
Structural classification:
         Fibrous joints
         Synovial joints

Functional classification
         Synarthrosis; immovable articular surfaces are joined by fibrous tissue.e,g. sutures of the skull.
         Diarthroses or synovial joints freely movable the articular surfaces are joined by fibrous capsule.
           slight movement . Presence of a pad of cartilage the edges of articular surface joined by fibrous tissues.e,g. intervertebral disc.
         Fibrous joints
         Sutures; connected by short strands of dense CT, special to the skull ,immovable,,bony margin may be plane,serrate,denticulate.
         Syndesmosis;interosseous lig connects the articular surface.
         Ghomphosis: peg  in socket w/short ligament e.g.tooth in its socket.
Sutures; special to the skull ,immovable, bony margin may be plane, serrate, denticulate.
         Joint cont.
         interosseous lig connects the articular surfaces.
    e.g.middle tibiofibular joint and
         Middle radioulnar joint
         tooth in its socket
         Cartilaginous joints
         Primary cartilaginous joints(Synchondrosis)
         a plate of hyaline cartilage joins the articular surface which later replace by bone.e.g.joint between the epiphysis and diaphysis,costochondral
         Secondary cart. Joints(Symphysis)
         a layer of hyaline cartilage united by the disc of fibrocartilage.
 e.g.symphysis pubis,manubriosternal joint.
         Secondary cart. Joints;
         Synovial joints
         Most mobile of all. various degree of movement is possible.
         Articular surfaces covered by hyaline cartilage.
         Components of SYNOVIAL JOINTS
         Articular capsule: Made of 2 layers
       Fibrous: external, dense CT for strength
       Synovial membrane: internal, produces synovial fluid
         Synovial fluid: viscous; in capsule and articular cartilages
         Reinforcing ligaments extracapsular/intracapsular
         Nerves + vessels: Highly innervated, Highly vascular
         Meniscus (some): fibrocartilage; improves the fit of 2 bones to increase stability
         Synovial Joint
         Bursae & Tendon Sheaths
         Bursae: flat, fibrous sac w/synovial membrane lining
         Tendon Sheaths: elongated bursae that wraps around tendons
         3 Factors in Joint Stability:
       Muscle Tone
        Fit of Articular Surface
         Synovial joints
         Fibrous capsule lined by the synovial membrane.
         Joint Shapes
         Hinge: cylindrical end of 1 bone fits into trough shape of other
       permit flexion and extension only.
        (eg) elbow, ankle, interphalangeal
         Hinge joints
         The articular surfaces pulley shaped. e,g. elbow,  ankle and interphalangeal joints.
    -articular surface in flat plane
       Short gliding,sliding movement
       (eg) intercarpal, intertarsal, articular processes of vertebrae

·       Saddle: articular surface both concave + convex
       side-to-side, back-forth movement
 carpometacarpal jt of thumb
         Biaxial joints
         Movement:flexion,extension,adduction and abduction.
         Condyloid: egg-shape articular surface + oval concavity
       side-to-side, back+forth movement
       (eg) metacarpophalangeal (knuckle)
       Condylar joint
         Articular surfaces two condyles (convex male surface) and concave female surface)
         Reciprocally fitted
         Movement mostly in one plane only.,partly to next plane around a vertical axis.
         Knee joint,temporomandibular joint.
         Ball + Socket:
         spherical head +  cup shaped socket
       multiaxial movement
       (eg) shoulder, femur
         Ball and socket joint
         Flexion,extension,adduction,abduction,medial rotation,lateral rotation and circumduction.
         round end fits into ring of bone + ligament
       rotation on long axis
       (eg) prox. radius/ulna, atlas/dens
         Pivot joint
         A central bony pivot  surrounded by an osteoligamentous.
         e.g. central atlanto-axial joints,
         Pivot joint
         Ellipsoid joints
          articular surfaces  oval,convex,male surface fitting into elliptical concave female surface.
         Flexion and extension in the transverse plane and abduction and adduction in the anterio-posterior plane.
         e.g.wrist joint,metacarpophalangeal joint.
         Common joint injuries
         Sprains--stretch ligament, loose joint
         Cartilage tears--fragments freeze joint
         Dislocations (luxation)--bones out of normal alignment
         Inflammatory and degenerative
         Bursitis and tendonitis
       Arthritis--over 100 types 
         Osteoarthritis (OA)
       Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)


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