RBC Disorders

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
The red cell  vulnerable to injury by endogenous and exogenous oxidants are normally inactivated by reduced glutathione (GSH). Oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide are stopped by GSH, which is converted to oxidized glutathione in the process 
          X- linked recessive, males
          Hemolysis after exposure to oxidant stress
          Oxidant drugs: antimalarial, sulfonamide, nitrofurantoins
          Infections: viral hepatitis, pneumonia, typhoid fever
          Foods: Fava beans
          Causes episodic intravascular and extravascular hemolysis, which involve the following sequence:
        Exposure of G6PD deficient red cells to oxidants
        Regeneration of GSH is impaired in G6PD-deficient cells, hydrogen peroxide attack globin chains, which have sulfhydryl groups that are susceptible to oxidation
         Oxidized Hb denatures and precipitates, forming intracellular inclusions called Heinz bodies, which can damage the cell membrane sufficiently to cause
intravascular hemolysis
        Less severely damaged à cell membranes are further damaged when splenic phagocytes attempt to "pluck out" the Heinz bodies, creating so-called bite cells. All of these changes predispose the red cells to becoming trapped in the splenic sinusoids and destroyed by the phagocytes (extravascular hemolysis).
          Anemia, hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria 2 to 3 days following exposure to oxidants
          Older red cells at risk for lysis
          Self limited

Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS)
          Intrinsic defects in the red cell membrane that render red cells spheroid, less deformable, and vulnerable to splenic sequestration and destruction.
          Prevalence highest in northern Europe.
          Autosomal dominant in 3/4th of cases.
          Mutation affecting ankyrin, band 3, spectrin or band 4.2
          Mutation of red cell ankyrin most common cause
          Reduced membrane stability leads to loss of membrane fragments
          Spherocytes, being less flexible than normal RBCs, are destroyed in the spleen, often causing splenomegaly.
          Spherocytes have reduced surface membrane area relative to the RBC volume. Spherocytes are osmotically fragile compared to normal RBCs.
          Spherocytes- small dark staining red cells without central pallor.
          Not pathognomonic- also seen in autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
          Marrow hyperplasia.
          Mild jaundice.
          Cholelithiasis (pigment stones- 40-50% of patients).
          Moderate splenomegaly.
Laboratory Diagnosis
          Bone marrow
        Increased erythropoiesis
          Increased MCHC
          Increased osmotic fragility
Clinical Course
          Aplastic crisis
          Hemolytic crisis
          Gall stones

Iron Deficiency Anemia
          It is the most common form of nutritional deficiency
          Prevalence higher in developing countries
          Iron deficiency results from
        Dietary lack
        Impaired absorption
        Increased requirement
        Chronic blood loss 
          Dietary lack
          Impaired absorption: sprue, intestinal steatorrhea , chronic diarrhea, gastrectomy
          Increased requirement: growing infants and children, adolescents, pregnant
          Chronic blood loss: peptic ulcer, gastric carcinoma, colonic carcinoma, hookworm or pinworm disease, urinary tract tumor, menorrhagia
          Weakness, loss of concentration
          Headache and loss of appetite
          Dyspnea and palpitations 
          Pallor (nails, lips, conjunctiva)
          Pulse: tachycardia
          Cardiac examination: systolic murmurs
        Complete blood picture shows a picture of  microcytic hypochromic anemia with some anisopoikilocytosis
        Poikilocytosis in the form of small, elongated red cells (pencil cells)
          Bone marrow examination
        Mild to moderate increase in erythroid progenitors
        Iron staining : disappearance of stainable iron 
          Low RBC count and hemoglobin
          Low hematocrit 
          MCV, MCHC and MCH decreased
          WBC and platelets are normal (platelets increase in hemorrhage)
          Ferritin low
          Serum iron is decreased
        TIBC increased
          Transferrin saturation <15%
          Atrophic changes in tongue and gastric mucosa
          Intestinal malabsorption
          Plummer-Vinson syndrome
        Microcytic hypochromic anemia
        Atrophic glossitis
        Esophageal webs

Megaloblastic Anemia
Ø  Impaired DNA synthesis with distinctive morphologic changes in the blood and bone marrow
Ø  Erythroid precursors and red cells are abnormally large due to defective cell maturation and division
Ø  Characterized by macrocytic blood picture (larger red cell with MCV > 100 fl) and megaloblastic bone marrow
Ø  Two types:
l  Pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency)
l  Folate deficiency anemia
Ø  Common feature: impaired DNA synthesis
Ø  The morphologic hallmark of megaloblastic anemias is an enlargement of erythroid precursors (megaloblasts), which gives rise to abnormally large red cells (macrocytes)
Ø  Other myeloid lineages also affected
l  Giant metamyelocytes and hypersegmented neutrophils
Ø  impairment of DNA synthesis à delay in nuclear maturation and cell division
Ø   Synthesis of RNA and cytoplasmic elements proceeds at a normal rate
Ø   Nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony
Ø  Ineffective hematopoiesis: Apoptosis of megaloblasts in marrow
Ø   Granulocyte and platelet precursors are also affected à pancytopenia (anemia, thrombocytopenia, and granulocytopenia).
Ø  Peripheral blood smear
Ø  Bone marrow
Ø  Alimentary tract
Ø  Central nervous system

Ø  Peripheral blood smear
l  Macro-ovalocytes
l  Hypersegmented neutrophils – before onset of anemia
Ø  Bone marrow
l  markedly hypercellular, due to increased numbers of megaloblasts; erythroid hyperplasia
l  Giant metamyelocyte
l  Large megakaryocyte with bizarre multilobed nuclei
l  Iron increased
Ø  Macrocytes/ hypersegmented neutrophils
Ø  Alimentary Tract: Shiny tongue- atrophic glossitis
Ø  Central Nervous System: Spinal cord
l  Degeneration of myelin in dorsal and lateral tracts
l  Loss of axons
 Folate (Folic Acid) Deficiency Anemia
Ø  After absorption, folate is transported in the blood mainly as a monoglutamate
Ø  Conversion from dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate by the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase
Ø   Tetrahydrofolate acts as an acceptor and donor of one-carbon units in a variety of steps involved in the synthesis of purines and thymidylate, the building blocks of DNA
Ø   Deficiency accounts for the inadequate DNA synthesis that is characteristic of megaloblastic anemia.

Ø  Clinical features
l  Weakness, easy fatigability
l  Alimentary tract affected
l  Neurologic abnormalities do not occur
Ø  Diagnosis
l  Peripheral smear and bone marrow examination
l  The anemia of folate deficiency is best distinguished from that of vitamin B12 deficiency by measuring serum and red cell folate and vitamin B12 levels.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency Anemia: Pernicious Anemia
Ø  The term pernicious anemia is used to describe vitamin B12 deficiency resulting from inadequate gastric production or defective function of intrinsic factor
Ø  Etiology of B12 Deficiency
Ø  Decreased intake
l  Inadequate diet, vegetarianism 
Ø  Impaired absorption
l  Intrinsic factor deficiency
          Pernicious anemia
l  Malabsorption
l  Diffuse intestinal disease- lymphoma, Ileal resection, ileitis
l  Competitive parasitic uptake
          Fish tapeworm
l  Bacterial overgrowth in  diverticula of intestine
Ø  Increased requirement
l  Pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, disseminated cancer
Ø  long-standing malabsorption is the most common and important
Ø  Until proved otherwise, a deficiency of vitamin B12 (in the western world) is caused by pernicious anemia
Anemia of Vit. B12 Deficiency
Pernicious anemia  is a specific form of megaloblastic anemia caused by atrophic gastritis and failure of intrinsic factor production that leads to vitamin B12 deficiency
Ø  Autoimmune destruction of gastric mucosa
Ø  Chronic atrophic gastritis
Ø  Loss of parietal cells , infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells
Ø  Old age: 5th to 8th decades
Ø  Tendency to form antibodies against multiple self antigens
Ø  Association with other autoimmune diseases: Hashimoto thyroiditis, Addison disease and type I DM.
Ø  Types of auto-antibodies
l  parietal canalicular antibodies, which bind to the mucosal parietal cells
l  blocking antibodies, which block the binding of vitamin B12 to intrinsic factor; and
l   binding antibodies that react with intrinsic factor-B12 complex and prevent it from binding to the ileal receptor
Ø  Autoreactive T-cell response initiates gastric mucosal injury, triggering formation of autoantibodies, which may excacerbate epithelial injury
Ø  The principal neurologic lesions associated with vitamin B12 deficiency are demyelination of the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord
1.       low serum vitamin B12 levels
2.       normal or elevated serum folate levels
3.       serum antibodies to intrinsic factor
4.       moderate to severe megaloblastic anemia
5.       leukopenia with hypersegmented granulocytes
6.       a dramatic reticulocytic response (within 2-3 days) to parenteral administration of vitamin B12

          Hemoglobinopathies are a group of hereditary disorders that are defined by the presence of structurally abnormal hemoglobins
          Sicke cell anemia (HbS)
          Sickle cell trait (40% HbS, 60% HbA)
Sickle cell Anemia
          Hereditary hemoglobinopathy characterized by production of defective hemoglobins
          Point mutation at the sixth position of Beta globin chain leading to substitution of a valine residue for a glutamic acid residue
          Sickle hemoglobin (HbS)
          Homozygous: all hemoglobin in red cell is HbS
          Heterozygous: 40% HbS, remainder normal
          America (blacks) and Africa
          Protection against falciparum malaria
Malaria protection
          Seen in common hemoglobinopathies (Thalassemia, HbS, HbC, HbE) and enzyme (G6PD) deficiency
          Due to
        Reduced parasite invasion/growth
        Increased susceptibility to phagocytosis of infected RBC
        Aggregation and polymerization of HbS
        Aggregated HbS molecules assemble into long needle like fibers within red cells, producing distorted sickle shape
        Repeated episodes of sickling: membrane damage
        eventually the cells accumulate calcium, lose potassium and water, and become irreversibly sickled.
        Red cells abnormally sticky
          infection, inflammation, dehydration, and acidosis trigger the sickling of reversibly sickled cells
Ø  Anatomic alterations caused by chronic hemolysis, increased formation of bilirubin, small vessel stasis and thrombosis
Ø  Bone marrow hyperplastic
Ø  fatty changes in the heart, liver, and renal tubules
Ø  Prominent cheekbones and changes in the skull
Ø  Crew-cut in roentgenograms
Ø  Children- Spleenomegaly upto 500 gm
Ø  Histological examination- Marked congestion of red pulp
Ø  Autosplenectomy
Ø  Infarction- Leg ulcers
Ø  Vascular congestion, thrombosis, and infarction can affect any organ, including bones, liver, kidney, retina, brain, lung, and skin BONE MARROW
Ø  Gallstone- increased breakdown of hemoglobin
Ø  Hemosiderosis
Clinical Course
  1. Severe anemia
  2. Vaso-occlusive complications
  3. Chronic hyperbilirubinemia
  4. Infection with encapsulated organisms- pneumococci and Haemophilus influenzae—impaired splenic function and opsonisation
Ø  Septicemia and meningitis most common causes of death in children
Ø  Salmonella osteomyelitis
Ø  Reticulocytosis
Ø   hyperbilirubinaemia
Ø  Irreversibly sickled cells
Ø  Crises   
Ø  Vaso-occlusive crises (pain crises)- Hand-foot syndrome, acute chest syndrome,  seizures or stroke, ulcers. acute chest syndrome and stroke are the two leading causes of ischemia-related death
Ø  Sequestration crises- splenic enlargement,hypovolemia, shock
Ø  Aplastic crises- Parvovirus B19
Ø  Generalized impairment of growth and development
Ø  Organ damage affecting spleen, heart, kidneys and lungs
Ø  Damage to the renal medulla leads to hyposthenuria (inability to concentrate urine)
Clinical findings :
Ø  Irreversibly sickled cells in peripheral blood smear
Ø  Sickling of cells by metabisulphite (oxygen consuming reagent)
Ø  Hemoglobin electrophoresis: HbS
Ø  Prenatal diagnosis by analysis of fetal DNA

  The thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders caused by mutations that decrease the rate of synthesis of α- or β-globin chains
   Hematologic consequences are caused by:
o   Low intracellular hemoglobin (hypochromia)
o   Excess of unimpaired chain
  b-thalassemia- deficient b -chain
o   Thalassemia major
o   Thalassemia intermedia
o   Thalassemia minor
  a-thalassemia- deficient a-chain
o   Hydrops fetalis
o   HbH disease
o   a-thalassemia trait
o   Silent carrier
Beta Thalassemia
  Beta thalassemia results from absence or decreased  production beta globin chains , coupled with unimpaired synthesis of alpha chains
  Each erythrocyte precursor cell has a beta globin gene on each chromosome 11 that determines beta globin production.
  Thus, there are a total of two beta globin genes. Beta thalassemia results from mutation of these genes.
  Impaired beta globin synthesis results in anemia by two mechanisms:
  Deficit in HbA produces under-hemoglobinized hypochromic microcytic red cells
  Diminished survival of red cells and their precursors
o   Precipitation of  free  alpha chains within normoblast
o   Cell membrane damage
o   Ineffective erythropoiesis
o   Splenic sequestration and destruction due to cell membrane damage and reduced deformability
Clinical syndromes
   classification based on severity of anemia, which in turn depends on the type of genetic defect (Bo or B+)  and the gene dosage (homozygous or heterozygous)
o    B Thalassemia major
o   B Thalassemia minor or B Thalassemia  trait
o   B Thalassemia intermedia
Beta Thalassemia Major
  Inheritance of two abnormal beta globin genes
  Severe transfusion dependent anemia
Beta Thalassemia Minor
  Heterozygotes with one beta thalassemia gene and one normal gene
  The result is mild anemia-or no anemia at all.
Beta Thalassemia Interemedia
  Severe but doesnot require regular blood transfusion
Thalassemia major
  Decreased MCV and MCH
  Peripheral blood smear
o   Microcytosis and hypochromia
o   Marked anisopoikilocytosis
o   Target cells
o   fragmented red cells
o   Elevated reticulocyte count
   Iron status
o   Serum iron and serum ferritin markedly increased
o   Total iron binding capacity reduced
  Bilirubin increased mainly of unconjugated type
  HbF increased; HbA2 levels normal, low or high
  Bone marrow
o   Hypercellularity with erythroid hyperplasia
o   Bone marrow iron increased
o   Expansion of  hematopoietically active marrow leading to skeletal deformities (facial bones)
o   Erosion of cortical bone and formation of new bone giving rise to crew- cut appearance on X-ray                             
  Enlarged spleen
o   Mononuclear phagocytic cell hyperplasia
o   Extramedullary hematopoiesis
  Hemosiderosis: Heart, liver, pancreas
Clinical course
   Transfusion dependent
  Untreated children: growth retardation and death
  Enlarged and distorted cheekbones and other bony prominences
  Cardiac disease due to iron overload
  Survival upto third decade with transfusion and iron chelation
Thalassemia minor
  More common
  Asymptomatic or mild anemia
  PBS: microcytic hypochromic cells, target cells
  Hemoglobin electrophoresis: increase in HbA2 to 4% to 8% of total hemoglobin (normal: 2.5%)
  Important to diagnose due to:
o   Differentiation from hypochromic microcytic anemia of iron deficiency
o   Genetic counseling
Alpha Thalassemia
  Absence or decreased production of alpha globin chains.
  Each erythrocyte precursor cell has two alpha globin genes on each chromosome 16 that determine alpha globin production.
  Thus, there are a total of four alpha globin genes.
  The types of alpha thalassemia result from deletion of one or more of these genes.
  Silent carrier
o   Deletion of single a-globin gene
o   Not much reduction in a-globin chain synthesis
o   Individuals are completely asymptomatic
  a-thalassemia trait
o   Deletion of two a-globin genes
o   Can be from the same chromosome or one from each chromosome
Hemoglobin H disease
o   Deletion of 3 a-globin genes
o   a-globin synthesis markedly reduced
o   Tetramere of beta-globin- Hb H
o   Hb-h has very high affinity to O2- tissue hypoxia
o   Hb H prone to oxidation, leading to formation of intracellular inclusions- removed by splenic macrophages
Hydrops fetalis
o   Most severe from
o   Deletion of all 4 globin genes
o   In fetus, excess g-globin chain form tetramere (Hb Barts)
o   Hb Barts has very high affinity to O2, delivers almost no O2
o   Survival in early development is due to formation of zeta x-globin with formation of functional Hb (x2g2)
o   Signs of fetal distress evident from 3rd trimester
o   Severe tissue hypoxia leads to intrauterine death
o   Intrauterine transfusion can save such fetus
o   Fetus shows severe pallor, generalized edema, and massive hepatosplenomegaly similar to erythroblastosis fetalis


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